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This token is not controlled by Stellarmint. The conditions of this token and the fulfillment of those conditions are determined by the person or entity that used Stellarmint to host this token’s Stellar TOML file. Please be careful and do your due diligence before interacting with any tokens issued on the Stellar network.

Token Name

Smriti 'we remember'

Token Code


Token Home Domain

Token Description

Smriti (Sanskrit meaning 'that which is remembered')
This token celebrates the freedom and space to share our innate wisdom, bringing the feminine collective together to share “that which is remembered”

Conditions of Token

There will only ever be 777 Million Smriti awareness tokens minted. This token will be utilised to empower women to come together as one, connecting mind, body and soul via their innate healing gifts.

About the Token Issuer

Token Fingerprint

Stellarmint has not verified the accuracy of this information. Please be careful and do your due diligence before interacting with any tokens issued on the Stellar network.

Physical Address

Sydney, Australia