First step, how to use to determine if an account is locked or unlocked.  Copy the Stellar account address of your token’s issuing account into the search field on

Locked Stellar Issuing Account

This account is locked because all “Account Signers” have a weight of zero (w:0).  A signer with a weight of zero has no authority to change anything about the account, such as issuing more tokens.

unlocked Stellar issuing account

This account is unlocked because one of the “Account Signers” has a weight of one (w:1) and the operation thresholds for making changes on the account are all zero (0/0/0) – the weight of the key is greater than the operational requirements.   This means the secret key of account ending in XAP can be used to issue more “Leeroy” tokens, change the Home domain, or remove itself as a signer (effectively locking the account).

Now that you have determined that the account is unlocked, you can issue more tokens by building a transaction in the Stellar Laboratory.

  • First, make sure you are on the “Public” network and not the “Test” network.  A Public network selection makes changes to the public ledger.  A Test network selection makes changes to the network used to test ideas and code prior to being made public.  The Test network is the practice network.
  • Second, paste the Source Account Stellar address in the “Source Account” field.  This is your token’s “Issuing Account” address.  For the example above, it would be “GD32SP6JDN7ZBGYU2VZ6SFO3PI47ADCIWZXJ4DGQUN25M32GVEZBFDBX“.  You can find your token’s Issuing Account address on its Stellarmint page.
  • Third, click “Fetch next sequence number for account starting with …”  This will automatically populate the field with the appropriate value.
  • Forth, from the “Operation Type” drop down menu, select “Payment”.
  • Fifth, fill out the payment information. Enter the Stellar wallet address where you want to send the additional tokens in “Destination”. Select “Alphanumeric 4” if the asset code is 4 or less characters long. Select “Alphanumeric 12” if the asset code is 5 to 12 characters long. The “Issuer Account ID” is again the token’s Issuing Account Address. For example, a 1,000 Leeroy token payment would look like this:
  • Sixth, click the “Sign in Transaction Signer” button.
  • Seventh, enter the Secret key of the account with signing authority – the Secret key of the account with the weight of 1 in the example above. NOTE: NEVER SHARE THIS SECRET KEY WITH ANYONE. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE ACTUAL STELLAR LABRATORY AND NOT A FAKE WEBSITE! Also note, this assumes you are signing by pasting in your secret key – a Ledger wallet is another way to sign and is much safer alternative to consider if you have a hardware Ledger wallet.
  • Eighth, click “Submit in Transaction Submitter”.
  • Ninth, verify that the transaction is doing what you think it should. In this example, the transaction is issuing 1,000 more Leeroy tokens from Issuing Account ending in DBX to Stellar account ending in XAP.
  • Tenth, if everything looks correct, click “Submit Transaction”.