This token is not controlled by Stellarmint. The conditions of this token and the fulfillment of those conditions are determined by the person or entity that used Stellarmint to host this token’s Stellar TOML file. Please be careful and do your due diligence before interacting with any tokens issued on the Stellar network.
DBlue Gold
DBlue Gold will be tied to humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering our teachers. Our children are our most precious assets, and will be our main focus with DBlue Gold, by empowering our teachers.
888,000,000,000 tokens available worldwide for humanitarian projects.
This token is not controlled by Stellarmint. The conditions of this token and the fulfillment of those conditions are determined by the person or entity that used Stellarmint to host this token’s Stellar TOML file. Please be careful and do your due diligence before interacting with any tokens issued on the Stellar network.
DBlue Platinum
The DBluePt token will help in empowering humanity. The main focus for our Platinum token, is to focus on all who have served in the Military. Thank you to all who have served! You are all heroes!
555,000,000 total tokens will exist. 250,000,000 will be issued for the public. All remaining tokens will be allocated for humanitarian purposes, fundraising, and promotions.
This token is not controlled by Stellarmint. The conditions of this token and the fulfillment of those conditions are determined by the person or entity that used Stellarmint to host this token’s Stellar TOML file. Please be careful and do your due diligence before interacting with any tokens issued on the Stellar network.
D-Blue Empowerment
The D-Blue token is backed by physical D-Blue empowerment assets. These assets include healing frequencies built within.
8/01/23 Updated:
565,000 tokens issued to the public. 5,550,000 tokens burned.
5,550,000 total DBlue tokens exist.
Each token is backed by physical D-Blue Assets. Tokens can be exchanged for physical assets as they become made available.
About the Token Issuer
About the Token Issuer

Stellarmint has not verified the accuracy of this information. Please be careful and do your due diligence before interacting with any tokens issued on the Stellar network.
D-Blue Empowerment
Our goal is to empower humanity with our digital assets. By combining both physical and digital assets together with healing frequencies, we aim to promote healing and abundance for all asset holders across our world.
D-Blue will be a game-changer while promoting freedom, sovereignty, and healing for the entire human race.
We welcome and thank each and everyone who choose to participate in our vision to help empower humanity!
It’s time to create a beautiful new world together. We are all one! Let freedom ring!
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